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Amar Singh College

Department of MATHEMATICS

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Department of Mathematics
Asstt. Professor


1Journal ArticleHands-On Data Science for Librarians2024-05-01Technometrics 0040-1706/ 1537-2723Click
2Journal ArticleSymmetry, Broken Symmetry, and Topology in Modern Physics: A First Course2024-03-01Acta Crystallographica A: Foundations and Advances, IUCr 2053-2733Click
3Journal ArticleEthics in Information Technology: A Practical Guide2024-02-09Technometrics, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis 0040-1706/1537-2723Click
4Journal ArticleCounting Transitive Relations with Two Ordered Pairs2021-10-13Journal of Applied Mathematics & Computation, Hill Publishing 2576-0645, 2576-0653Click
5Conference PaperInteresting Observations on the Numbers of Partial Orders and Transitive Relations2021-07-28 Proceedings of the International Virtual Conference on Recent Trends and Techniques in Mathematical and Computer Science 9789391553272Click
6Journal ArticleOn the Number of Transitive Relations on a Set2021-06-14Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics, Springer 0975-7465, 0019-5588Click